Friday, March 13, 2009

Vitamin Supplements - Do You Need Them?

Vitamin supplements are one of the most popular dietary supplements people consume these days. Many people worry that they do not get enough vitamins from their diet and go for the pills, but do you really need them?

Vitamins are essential nutrients for good health. They can regulate body metabolism, act as antioxidants to salvage free radicals, improve immune system and energy level, reduce stress response, enhance mental clarity, and prevent vitamin deficiency diseases.

In general, vitamins are abundant in fresh foods, such as fresh meat, legumes, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. People who consume a healthy and balanced diet with a wide variety of fresh foods should have adequate vitamin supply. However, in reality, many people do not consume a healthy diet. Their diet may be high in meat and fat, low in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, or they do not prepare the food properly such as eating fast food and deep-fried food or just heating up a frozen diet using the microwave. Improper food storage, food preparation and cooking practice can destroy some vitamins in food.

Whether you need vitamin supplements or not depends on your own lifestyle. If you live a healthy life, with minimum exposure to radiation, toxic chemicals, pollution and eat a balanced diet of wide variety of fresh food, you may not require vitamin supplements after all.

On the contrary, if you are too busy to cook for yourself or prepare a healthy balanced diet, consume refined foods more often than fresh foods, feel tired all the time, suffer from high stress level and weak immune function, vitamin supplements may be beneficial to you.

Vitamins A-K work synergistically with each other, so it is better to consume complete multi-vitamins instead of single vitamin supplements. Most of these daily complete vitamins also comply with the recommended daily allowance for vitamins, which means that the vitamin levels are sufficient to ward off vitamin deficiency diseases. Nevertheless, the recommended daily intake does not represent the amount of vitamins required for optimal health, which may vary among individuals based on their age, health conditions and stress level, etc.

If you decide to take vitamin supplements, do bear in mind that they are not magical pills. Changing your diet and eating style, staying active and avoiding unhealthy habits such as heavy drinking and cigarette smoking are just as important if not more important than the consumption of dietary supplements.
Kwan H Lo owns an online review site promoting high quality discount vitamin supplements, such as New Chapter vitamins and Garden of Life vitamins.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Garden of Life - Make Sure You Are Getting Enough Nutrients

It's important that your body is getting the proper amount of nutrients in order for it to function to the best of its ability. Getting the right amount through the foods that you eat is not always the easiest thing to do. There are so many different healthy foods that you need to eat, and it's usually hard to get all of the nutrients that are required on a daily basis but it's still necessary.

What Your Body Craves

Your body needs antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and without these very important nutrients you can expect that your body is going to be easily worn down, and susceptible to illness. If you listen to the cravings of your body you will notice that it craves foods that are high in the very important nutrients that it so desperately needs.

Okay so what do you do if you just are not able to eat the right healthy foods to give your body what it needs to build a healthy body, and to maintain your healthy body? Well there are many different nutritional supplements that you can begin taking that will put the right amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants into your body. Sounds easy enough doesn't it?

It is and it isn't. Have you ever seen how many different nutritional supplement companies that there out there? This makes it hard to figure out which ones are good. It's really not that hard, not since there are very few high quality companies that are offering products that are the absolute best for your health. One company that manufacturers high quality products is Garden of Life. This company has set new standards in the nutritional supplement market because of the high quality ingredients that they use to produce high quality products.

You can expect nothing but the best from Garden of Life nutritional supplements because they use strictly whole food nutrition, digestive enzymes, vitamins and minerals, and antioxidant protections. Natural whole foods are going to be much easier for your body to digest which this means that it will absorb much more of the nutrition. This is the whole reason why Garden of Life has effective nutritional supplements and quickly took over the nutritional supplement industry.

How Your Body Can Get It

Taking a good nutritional supplement is going to offer you high protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. These are all very important ingredients that your body needs. There are many different ways that you can take your nutritional supplements such as through pill form, chew tabs or even shakes. I am not too keen on swallowing pills so I always go for the chew tabs. These chew tabs are unfortunately not available with all of the various nutritional supplements.

You will find that Garden of Life has many different types of nutritional supplements that will suit many different health related issues, such as digestive issues, aid for losing weight, depression or immune system issues. It's a good idea to give your body the extra vitamins and minerals that it needs to correct the health problems that you may be having in your life.
We all understand the importance of taking a nutritional supplement, but it's just as important that you also take a good quality nutritional supplement, like Garden of Life supplements, that is going to give you all of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs and is easy for it to digest. That is why Garden of Life is your only choice.

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